You open your Word document…

You stretch out your hands and click your knuckles…

You place your palms down on the keyboard and…


Starting a new promotion isn’t easy at the best if times. But it’s even harder if you haven’t got a strong idea to run with.

Yet a lot of copywriters make things so much harder for themselves trying to approach the blank page BEFORE they really know where they’re going.

Don’t do it.

Personally, when starting a new project I don’t even consider writing a single word of the headline, lead, body copy or offer until I’ve thought things over for a couple of days.

You see, ideas are formed in your limbic brain. But your limbic brain isn’t too hot when it comes to language. To articulate your idea you need to run it through your neocortex, the part of the brain that IS designed to cope with language.

By jumping straight to a blank page you’re asking your neocortex to get to work without before your limbic brain has had a chance to do it’s job.

It’s like asking a postman to deliver the post without actually giving him the letters!

So, don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself: before you start trying to write a new promotion…

Think it over!

In fact, by thinking this little note over before writing I was able to jot it down with my thumb on my iPhone whilst eating my lunch!

If only writing long copy was so simple, huh?

You know it,

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