Would you do something for me?

Well it’s for both of us, kind of.

It’ll take less than a minute.

Probably less than 30 seconds, in fact.

It doesn’t cost anything…

But it will help a lot.

What is it?

Well, I’d like you to vote for All Good Copy in the UK Blog Awards.

Yep – we’re up for an award, which is kind of cool.

All you need to do is hit the link below and then hit the ‘Vote Now’ button.

>>Click this link and then click the ‘Vote Now’ button<<

You can do it now, as it’ll open in a new window.


Thank you so much, if you did.

I’m not sure if we’ve even got a chance, but I think it’s nice to see a blog entirely about direct-response copywriting in there amongst all the other marketing stuff.

If we get through to the shortlist, I’ll let you know.

Of course, when I say ‘us’ – I mean you and me. You see, something like this helps me because it brings more recognition to the blog, which in turn helps me dedicate more time to it and get more resources lined up for you.


Indeed, I’m in the process of creating something that I think you’ll love…

It’s an all-new podcast element of All Good Copy that will launch in the New Year, if not before (but let’s face it, it’s like Christmas next week or something).

I’ve already recorded great interviews with fellow copywriters like Tom Albrighton and marketing legends like Brian Kurtz.

But there’s a load more people I’ll be sitting down with in the coming weeks and months.

The first series will be ten episodes with variety of new guests and some old friends.

I think you’ll love hearing what they’ve got to share.

In the meantime, like I say, it’s always useful to get more press for things like this – even if we don’t get on the shortlist, it’s nice to be in amongst it.

So, if you could take a quick moment to hit the link below and then hit the ‘Vote Now’ button…that would be great.

>>Click this link and then click the ‘Vote Now’ button<<