Tag Archives: copywriting infographic

Did this hard-working piece of copy really kill JFK?

In Oliver Stone’s 1991 film, JFK, Joe Pesci plays Dave Ferrie, an American pilot alleged to have been involved in Kennedy’s unfortunate assassination. Dave Ferrie: Was his crime plotting to kill JFK or simply those ridiculous eyebrows?” The first thing you notice about Ferrie are his eyebrows. They’re ridiculous. A quick search on Google images and you […]

Copywriting Infographic: How to Structure a Sales Letter

With the help of the always excellent @rhinett, I’ve updated and expanded my popular copywriting infographic… It now covers an entire direct response sales letter. As you can see below, I’ve included the main sections you’ll find on a typical letter and offered some advice on how to handle each. Of course, this is by no means the structure every long […]

Copywriting Infographic: How to structure a sales letter

Take a look at this copywriting infographic… Of course, there are many weird and wonderful ways to structure a direct-response sales letter. As with most things in copywriting, there are no hard and fast rules. But… There is one particular structure that I return to time and time again and it always produces good results. […]