Nuggets of knowledge to get you thinking

It’s nearly Christmas. You’re busy. There’s a man looking at me funny across the café. So let’s not muck about. Here are five fast things to get your brain moving and quite possibly help with your copywriting. Ready? Track your time Your time is your most important asset. And ultimately, as a copywriter, it’s what […]

The strange logic of procrastination and how to get around it

When you procrastinate, I don’t believe it’s the type of task that’s important. You might choose to watch television or bake a cake. It doesn’t matter. Nor does the ease of the task you choose make much difference. You might choose to procrastinate by doing something you actually find quite difficult, like going for a […]

How to stop your head from exploding with ideas

My mind is a mess. I mean, literally, a mess. There are too many ideas in there. Bits and bobs lying about all over the joint. Send help. Send a cleaner. Send a shrink. It’s like someone ran into a library with a barrel of explosives and let rip… There are pages everywhere. Ideas strewn […]