An open letter to myself

As a copywriter, your job is to communicate ideas. It’s something I do almost every day, for companies of all shapes and sizes, all around the world. Trouble is, in writing for those folks, I don’t often take the time to communicate with myself. Maybe you’re the same. Maybe you think so much about how […]

Five paintings

In my office, there are five paintings. Not originals, of course. If they were, I’d wear far more gold top hats than I currently do. But as I sit here – slightly frazzled having just been working on my new book – I’ve been looking at them and thought it would be interesting to share […]

You, a murderer?

Reviewing a piece of copy I’d been working on, the great American copywriter, John Forde, made a brief note in the margin that read: I know you love this bit, and it’s very good. But you need to delete it. Of course, I was outraged. I knew the line he was referring to immediately. It […]

Nuggets of knowledge

Karl Marx money pot. Receipts. Trio biscuit bar. Bust of Marcus Aurelias. Fluffy mic. Small painting of Apollinaire. Dog biscuits. Ceramic ghost. Rickenbacker bass guitar. Glass of peach squash (yes, peach). Pen. Hello… Don’t worry, I’ve not gone mad. No madder than usual, anyway. It’s just I’m just sat in my office and those are […]

Before we get into it

Before we get into today’s email… You’ve no doubt opened an email that starts with a line like this before. But by that point, you’re technically in the email already, aren’t you? So that’s nonsense. It’s too late to say Before we get into today’s email. But people do this in email marketing all the time […]

Barbara’s green egg

“What you working on, Phil?” asks Barbara as she brings a cup of lapsang to her husband. He doesn’t look up, seemingly absorbed by the image of a large chicken egg he’s drawn in the middle of the A3 sheet of paper in front of him. “What is it, Philip?” She sees him jump as he […]

It’s good to be weird

I’m a weird person. But I don’t mind. Being weird means I’m free to say weird things and come up with weird ideas. As a copywriter, I see that as my job. It’s my responsibility to question the norm and wonder if there might be a different way of doing things. But here’s the problem… […]

Take a run-up and inject your copy with energy

You’ve got your idea… You’ve been floating it around your head to make sure it plays… And you’ve been figuring out how you’re going to express it in your copy. Now you need to sit down and start writing. Before you do… Here’s my advice: Take a run-up. Huh? I mean, literally. Open the word document, […]

Form follows function

In 1919 Walter Gropius was appointed head honcho at the Grand-Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts in Weimar. Hardly the catchiest name for a school, is it? It’s one reason you’ve probably never heard of the Grand-Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts in Weimar. But you’ve heard of the Bauhaus, right? That’s because […]

Absolute nonsense

As a species, we love absolutes. Life throws so much crap at us, it’s a relief when someone tells you: This is the way it is, so you don’t need to worry. Sadly, in the world of advertising and marketing, our desire for absolutes means we’re too often misled by self-proclaimed ‘gurus’ and lazy ‘thought […]