Tag Archives: subject lines

Don’t sweat the small stuff, make a connection instead

An old mentor of mine – the great Mark Ford – used to wind me up in a debate about subject line open rates. He said it was pointless analysing open rates. But, I argued, if you can increase the open rate, you get more people to see the email. So what, he’d ask? Well, I’d wonder, […]

Why it’s dangerous to ask questions in copy

Questions in copy can be dangerous… Do you agree? No. And there you go: my question is answered. Just like that, it’s all over. Sorry to waste your time. I’ll speak to you another day. … … … Wait. What happened there? Well, I asked a question. You had an answer. The transaction ended. Hell, […]

Why you should hijack boring, administrative subject lines

As a copywriter, you likely spend a ton of your time trying to come up with new and original subject lines to grab attention. It’s hard work, right? So let me ask you… Should you even bother? Especially when there’s a way you can hijack existing subject lines – that are otherwise considered boring – and use […]

If this headline were a question, you wouldn’t click on it

Questions in copy can be so dangerous… Do you agree? No. And there you go, my question is answered. Just like that, it’s all over. Sorry to waste your time. I’ll speak to you another day. OK. OK. What happened there? Well, I asked a question… You had an answer, and hell… I wouldn’t blame you […]